Welcome to www.StarsOfTheDiamond.com! This website highlights my collection of Sports Cards, and more specifically my Pre-World War II Baseball Card Collection. I have been a collector of vintage sports cards for over 20 years. I have many areas of interest within the hobby, however, my taste is rather eclectic. Please note that not all cards on this site are for sale, but I do have an area where some cards can be purchased. I am actively looking for many cards for sets or projects that I am working on, so please check out my Wantlist . If you would like to contact Rhett he can be reached via e-mail at rhettyeakley@netzero.com .
  |   Pre-WWII Want List  |  
E254 & E270 Colgan's Chips
The following cards are from my Personal Collection. All cards in this section are Not For Sale. If you happen to have any card not included on this page I either need that card or am in need of an upgrade, do not hesitate to contact me with any that you may have available.

1909-11 E254 Colgan's Chips
Ed Abbaticchio (Pittsburgh)
Fred Abbott (Toledo)
Bill Abstein (Jersey City)
Bill Abstein (Pittsburg)
Babe Adams (Pittsburg) Plain S's in name
Babe Adams (Pittsburg) Looping S's in name
Doc Adkins (Baltimore)
Dave Altizer (Cincinnati)
Dave Altizer (Minneapolis)
Nick Altrock (Minneapolis)
Red Ames (New York Nat'l)
Jimmy Austin (New York Am.)
Charlie Babb (Memphis)
Rudy Baerwald (Memphis)
Bill Bailey (St. Louis Am. L.)
Frank Baker (Phila. Am. L.)
Jack Barry (Phil'a Am.) Larger head
Jack Barry (Phil'a Am.) Smaller head
Bill Bartley (Atlanta) Curved (vertical) Letters
Bill Bartley (Atlanta) Horizontal Letters
Johnny Bates (Cincinnati)
Johnny Bates (Phila. Nat'l. L.)
Dick Bayless (Atlanta)
Ginger Beaumont (Boston Nat'l L.)
Beals Becker (Boston Nat'l L.)
George Bell (Brooklyn) "208 in present series" back. Back
Harry Bemis(Cleveland)
Harry Bemis(Columbus)
Heinie Berger (Columbus)
Joe Birmingham (Cleveland)
Kitty Bransfield (Phila. Nat'l L.)
Roger Bresnahan (St. Louis Nat'l)
Al Bridwell (New York Nat'l L.)
Lew Brockett (New York Am. L.)
Al Burch (Brooklyn) Large name on front
Al Burch (Brooklyn) Small name on front
Jimmy Burke (Ft. Wayne)
Jimmy Burke (Indianapolis)
Donie Bush (Detroit)
Bill Byers(Baltimore)
Howie Cammitz (Pittsburgh)
Charlie Carr (Indianapolis)
Charlie Carr (Utica)
Frank Chance (Chicago Nat'l L.)
Hal Chase (New York Am. L.)
Bill Clancy (Baltimore)
Fred Clarke (Pittsburg)
Fred Clarke (Pittsburgh) "208 in present series" back. Back
Tommy Clarke (Cincinnati)
Bill Clymer (Minneapolis)
Ty Cobb (Detroit)
Eddie Collins (Phila. Am. L.)
Bunk Congalton (Columbus)
Wid Conroy (Washington Am. L.)
Ernie Courtney (Providence)
Harry Covaleski (Chattanooga)
Harry Covaleski (Cincinnati)
Karl Crandall (Memphis)
Gavvy Cravath (Minneapolis)
Dode Criss (St. Louis Am. L.)
Jake Daubert (Brooklyn)
Jake Daubert (Memphis)
Alfonzo "Lefty" Davis (St. Paul)
Harry Davis (Phila Am. L.)
Frank Delahanty (Toronto)
Ray Demmett (Montreal)
Ray Demmett (New York Am. L.)
Art Devlin (New York Nat'l L.)
Bill Donovan (Detroit)
Mickey Doolin (Phil'a. Nat'l)
Patsy Dougherty (Chicago Am.L.)
Tom Downey (Cincinnati)
Larry Doyle (New York Nat'l. L.)
Jack Dunn (Baltimore)
Kid Elberfeld (New York Am. L.)
Kid Elberfeld (Washington)
Rube Ellis (St. Louis Nat'l L.)
Clyde Engle (Boston Am.)
Clyde Engle (New York Am. L.)
Steve Evans (St. Louis Nat'l L.)
Johnny Evers (Chicago Nat'l L.)
Cecil Ferguson (Boston Nat'l.)
Hobe Ferris (Minneapolis)
Field (Montreal) Photo is Michael Joyce, Straighter Last name
Field (Montreal) Photo is Michael Joyce, Curved Last name
Matthew Fitzgerald (Providence)
Patsy Flaherty (Atlanta)
Jack Flater (Newark)
Elmer Flick (Cleveland)
James Freck (Baltimore)
James Freck (Toronto)
Jerry Freeman (Toledo)
Art Fromme (Cincinnati) Larger head
Art Fromme (Cincinnati) Smaller head
Larry Gardner (Boston Am. L.)
Harry Gaspar (Cincinnati)
Gus Getz (Boston Nat'l L.)
Gus Getz (Indianapolis)
George Gibson (Pittsburgh)
Moose Grimshaw (Toronto)
Ed Hahn (Chicago Am. L.)
John Halla (Louisville) Large name
John Halla (Louisville) Small name
Ed Hally (Rochester)
Charlie Hanford (Jersey City)
Topsy Hartsel (Phila. Am. L.)
Roy Hartzell (St. Louis Am. L.)
Weldon Henley (Rochester)
Harry Hinchman (Columbus)
Solly Hofman (Chicago Nat'l.)
Harry Hooper (Boston Am. L.)
Harry Hooper (Boston Nat'l)
Del Howard (Louisville)
Johnny Hughes (Louisville)
Rudy Hulswitt (Chattanooga)
Rudy Hulswitt (St. Louis Nat'l. L.)
John Hummel (Brooklyn)
George Hunter (Brooklyn)
Hugh Jennings (Detroit)
Davy Jones (Detroit)
Tom Jones (Detroit)
Dutch Jordan (Atlanta) Photo is Tim Jordan
Tim Jordan (Brooklyn)
Tim Jordan (Louisville)
Addie Joss (Cleveland)
Al Kaiser (Louisville)
Joe Kelley (Toronto) Photo is Jack Kelly
Bill Killefer (St. Louis Am.)
Ed Killian (Detroit)
Ed Killian (Toronto)
Otto Knabe (Philadelphia Nat'l L.)
Jack Knight (New York Am. L.)
Ed Konetchy (St. Louis Nat'l. L.)
Rube Kroh (Louisville)
James Lafitte (Rochester)
Frank Lange (Chicago Am. L.)
Frank LaPorte (St. Louis Am.)
Tommy Leach (Pittsburg)
Bill Lelivelt (Detroit)
Phil Lewis (Indianapolis)
Phil Lewis (Milwaukee)
Vive Lindaman (Boston Nat'l L.)
Vive Lindaman (Louisville)
Harry Lord (Boston Am. L.)
Harry Lord (Chicago Am. L.)
Bill Ludwig (Milwaukee)
Nick Maddox (Pittsburg)
Al Mattern (Boston Nat'l L.)
Bill Matthews (Atlanta)
George McBride (Washington)
Joe McCarthy (Toledo)
George McConnell (Rochester)
Moose McCormick (New York Nat'l L.)
Dan McGann (Milwuakee)
Jim McGinley (Toronto)
Joe McGinnity (Newark)
Matty McIntyre (Chicago Am.)
Matty McIntyre (Detroit)
Larry McLean (Cincinnati) Larger head
Larry McLean (Cincinnati) Smaller head
Fred Merkle (New York Nat'l L.)
George Merritt (Buffalo)
George Merritt (Jersey City)
Benny Meyer (Newark)
Chief Meyers (New York Nat'l L.)
Clyde Milan (Washington Am. L.)
Dots Miller (Pittsburg)
Mike Mitchell (Cincinnati)
Roy Moran (Atlanta)
Bill Moriarty (Louisville)
George Moriarty (Detroit)
George Mullen (Detroit) Name incorrect
George Mullin (Detroit) Name correct
Simmy Murch (Chattanooga)
Simmy Murch (Indianapolis)
Danny Murphy (Phila. Am.L.) Larger head
Danny Murphy (Phila. Am.L.) Smaller head
Red Murray (New York Nat'l)
James Murray (St. Paul) Photo is Red Murray
Billy Nattress (Montreal) Name touches shoulder
Billy Nattress (Montreal) Name away from shoulder
Red Nelson (St. Louis Am. L.)
Red Nelson (Toledo) "208 in present series" back. Back
Rebel Oakes (St. Louis Nat'l.)
Fred Odwell (Columbus) Slightly smaller projection
Fred Odwell (Columbus) Slightly larger projection
Al Orth (New York Am. L.)
Fred Osborn (Rochester)
Orval Overall (Chicago Nat'l. L.)
Frank Owens (Minneapolis)
Fred Parent (Chicago Am. L.)
Dode Paskert (Cincinnati)
Dode Paskert (Phila. Nat'l. L.)
Heinie Peitz (Louisville)
Bob Peterson (Providence)
Jake Pfeister (Chicago. Natl. L.)
Deacon Phillippe (Pittsburgh)
Ollie Pickering (Louisville)
Ollie Pickering (Minneapolis)
Ollie Pickering (Omaha)
Billy Purtell (Boston)
Billy Purtell (Chicago Am. L.)
Bugs Raymond (New York Nat'l L.)
Don Carlos "Pat" Regan (Rochester)
Duke Reilly (Chicago Am. L.)
Ed Reulbach (Chicago Nat'l L.)
Claude Ritchey (Louisville)
Lou Ritter (Kansas City) "208 in present series" back. Back
Clyde Robinson (Louisville)
Royal Rock (Providence)
Jack Rowan (Cincinnati)
Nap Rucker (Brooklyn)
Dick Rudolph (New York Nat'l L.)
Dick Rudolph (Toronto)
Jack Ryan (St. Paul) Photo is Jimmy Ryan from 1903
Slim Sallee (St. Louis Nat'l)
Bill Schardt (Milwaukee)
Jimmy Scheckard (Chicago Nat'l. L.)
George Schirm (Birmingham)
George Schirm (Buffalo)
Larry Schlafly (Newark)
Wildfire Schulte (Chicago Nat'l. L.)
James Seabaugh (Nashville) Looking ahead
James Seabaugh (Nashville) Looking left (photo actually Julius Wiseman)
Orville Selby (Louisville) Larger head
Orville Selby (Louisville) Smaller head
Cy Seymour (Baltimore)
Cy Seymour (New York Nat'l L.)
Hosea Siner (Boston Nat'l L.)
George Smith (Montreal)
Sid Smith (Atlanta)
Sid Smith (Buffalo)
Fred Snodgrass (New York Nat'l. L.)
Bob Spade (Cincinnati)
Tully Sparks (Phila. Nat'l L.)
Tully Sparks (Richmond, VA.)
Tris Speaker (Boston Am.)
Tubby Spencer (St. Paul)
John Stansberry (Louisville)
Harry Steinfeldt (Chicago Nat'l L.) Larger head
Harry Steinfeldt (Chicago Nat'l L.) Smaller head
George Stone (St. Louis Am. L.)
George Stovall (Cleveland)
Gabby Street (Washington Am. L.)
Suter Sullivan (Louisville)
Suter Sullivan (Omaha)
Ed Summers (Detroit) Gray uniform
Ed Summers (Detroit) White-out uniform
Lee Tannehill (Chicago Am. L.)
John W. Taylor (Kansas City)
Joe Tinker (Chicago Nat'l L.)
Terry Turner (Cleveland)
Fred Unglaub (Washington Am. L.)
Rube Waddell (Minneapolis)
Rube Waddell (Newark, N.J.)
Rube Waddell (St. Louis Am. L.)
Honus Wagner (Pittsburgh)
Scott Walker (Atlanta)
John Waller (Jersey City)
Clarence Wauner (Memphis)
Julius Weisman (Nashville) Looking front (photo actually James Seabaugh)
Jack White (Buffalo)
Kirby White (Boston Nat'l L.)
Ed Willett (Detroit)
Otto Williams (Indianapolis)
Owen Wilson (Pittsburgh)
Hooks Wiltse (New York Nat'l L.)
Orville Woodruff (Louisville)
Walter Woods (Buffalo)
Cy Young (Cleveland)
Heine Zimmerman (Chicago Nat'l L.)
Eddie Zimmerman (Newark)
1912 E270-1 Colgan's Red Borders
Leon Ames (New York Nat'l L.)
Dick Bayless (Atlanta)
Beals Becker (Boston Nat'l. L.)
George Bell (Brooklyn)
Albert Beumiller (Louisville)
Roger Bresnahan (St. Louis Nat'l)
Al Burch (Brooklyn)
Wid Conroy (Washington Am. L.)
Harry Covaleski (Chattanooga)
Jake Daubert (Brooklyn)
Kid Elberfield (Washington)
Hobe Ferris (Minneapolis)
John (Red) Fisher (Louisville)
Art Fromme (Cincinnati)
John Halla (Louisville)
Weldon Henley (Rochester)
Bill Hinchman (Columbus)
Solly Hofman (Chicago Nat'l.)
George Hunter (Brooklyn)
Johnny Hughes (Louisville) Name & Team on chest
Hugh Jennings (Detroit)
Davy Jones (Detroit)
Tom Jones (Detroit)
Adolph (Dutch) Jordan (Atlanta) Photo is Tim Jordan
Ed Killian (Toronto)
Ed Konetchy (St. Louis Natl. L.)
Bris Lord (Phila. Am.)
Bill Ludwig (Milwaukee)
Joe McCarthy (Toledo)
Clyde Milan (Washington Am. L.)
Bill Moriarty (Omaha)
George Mullen (Detroit)
Al Orth (Indianapolis)
Heinie Pietz (Louisville)
Ed Reulbach (Chicago Nat'l L.)
Nap Rucker (Brooklyn)
Slim Sallee (St. Louis Nat'l)
Sid Smith (Atlanta)
Tully Sparks (Richmond, VA.)
Tris Speaker (Boston Am.)
John Stausberry (Louisville) sic, Stansbury
George Stovall (Cleveland)
John Sullivan (Louisville)
Ed Summers (Detroit)
John Titus (Phil'a Nat'l)
Scott Walker (Atlanta)
John Waller (Jersey City)
Otto Williams (Indianapolis)
Hooks Wiltse (New York Nat'l L.)
Cy. Young (Cleveland)
1912-13 E270-2 Colgan's Tin Tops
Tommy Atkins (Atlanta)
Tommy Atkins (Ft. Wayne)
Jimmy Austin (St. Louis Am.)
Frank Baker (Phila. Am. L.)
Jack Barry (Phil'a Am.)
Harry Bemis (Toronto)
Bob Bescher (Cincinnati)
Otto Burns (Toledo)
Bobby Byrne (Pittsburg) Photo is Jim Byrnes
Nixey Callahan (Chicago Am)
Vin Campbell (Boston, Nat'l.)
Bunk Congalton (Toledo)
Mike Donlin (Phila., Nat'l.)
Bill Donovan (Providence)
Roy Ellam (Birmingham)
Jimmy Esmond (Montreal)
Hobe Ferris (Minneapolis)
Eddie Grant (New York, Nat'l.)
Topsy Hartsel (Toledo)
Harry Hooper (Boston Am. L.)
Salida Tom Hughes (Rochester)
Rudy Hulswitt (Louisville)
Napoleon Lajoie (Cleveland)
Nick Maddox (Louisville)
Sherry Magee (Phila. Natl.)
James Manser (Jersey City)
Frank Manusch (New Orleans) sic, Manush
Frank Manush (Toledo)
Moose McCormick (New York Nat'l. L.)
Herbie Moran (Brooklyn) Photo is Pat Moran
Rebal Oakes (St. Louis Nat'l.)
Steve O'Neill (Cleveland)
Frank Owens (Minneapolis)
Billy Purtell (Jersey City)
Morrie Rath (Chicago, Am.)
Nap Rucker (Brooklyn)
Cy Seymour (Baltimore)
Burt Shotten (St. Louis, Am.)
Fred Snodgrass (New York Nat'l. L.)
George Stovall (Cleveland)
Rube Waddell (Minneapolis)
Jack Warhop (New York, Am.)
Orville Woodruff (Indianapolis)